Why has Shri. Rashid Khan declined the Rs. 400 Crores offer from a former Supreme Court Judge?
Why has Shri. Rashid Khan declined the Rs. 400 Crores offer from a former Supreme Court Judge? - Shri. Rahid Khan, said he shall never compromise with a person who is corrupt, anti-national and who has polluted the temple of Justice. Rashid Khan Pathan National Secretary Human Rights Security Council - Shri. Rahid Khan has filed petition in Supreme Court for interim compensation and shall further claim a compensation of Rs. 1,000 crores from the Trial Court and also demand that punishment be mete out to Justice (Retd.) Deepak Gupta and others. - Lakhs of people to assemble in Delhi upon easing of situation of lockdown to arrest the accused - Accused Adv. Fali Nariman, ...